What we do
The Debate and Forensics Society offers students the opportunity to travel and compete in inter-collegiate parliamentary debate, Lincoln/Douglas debate, original oratory, interpretive events, and limited preparation events.
How can I benefit?
- Be part of a competitive, award-winning team
- Compete in team and individual events
- Become an effective presenter and debater
- Improve your public speaking abilities
- Hone your argument and reasoning skills
- Meet others who want to be regarded as professional and well-spoken
- Gain confidence in your abilities
- Give back to the community
- Travel to New York, Washington, D.C., Marland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Ontario, Canada for CFA tournaments
All interested students are welcome! For more information, contact Dr. Paula Youra, faculty advisor, at 434.544.8178 or youra@lynchburg.edu.
Pi Kappa Delta
Once you join the Debate and Forensics Society and compete for three semesters you become eligible to be inducted in the national debate and forensics honor society Pi Kappa Delta.
Collegiate Forensics Association Tournaments
University of Lynchburg and the Debate and Forensics Society host a collegiate debate and forensics tournament with the Collegiate Forensics Association. Colleges and universities bring several hundred students from all over the east coast to compete in a variety of events including original oratory, dramatic interpretation, and debate. Our own Debate and Forensics Team competes at this tournament. Spectators are welcome so be sure to come out and support our team.