We also create marketing assets such as webpages, press releases, digital advertisements, social media posts, email campaigns, and more. MarCom is focused primarily on external marketing.
Head to our Marketing Lab for more resources and ways to collaborate.
Our Priorities
Request an Expert
To get the most out of our time and resources, we have experts who can help you identify your target audience and what they want, create a message that speaks to them, and use the communication method that will be most effective.
We are currently between project request software and working on updating our systems. If you need immediate assistance, please email marcom@lynchburg.edu.
Digital/Print Advertising
All advertising for the University is managed by MarCom. Our office will work with you to develop short/long-range advertising plans and to place individual ads.
We will:
- Provide information on deadlines and costs.
- Craft advertising messages.
- Work with graphic designers.
- Place advertising, obtain purchase orders, and provide follow-up with media and vendors.
Event Promotion and Events Calendar
To get information about events open to the public promoted in the media, please submit details six weeks before the event. This should include information about the speaker and a photo.
All events geared to students only should be submitted to the student calendar using HornetConnect. MarCom does not provide promotional services to student events, only for events that are open to the public.
Any events open to the public beyond campus should be submitted to the public events calendar.
In general, ITR is responsible for livestreaming. MarCom cannot support regular requests to stream events. In some instances, however, MarCom does provide livestreaming support, and priority is given to events open to the public, such as large-scale University lectures or Commencement ceremonies.
To inquire about whether or not your event can receive livestreaming support from MarCom, please email marcom@lynchburg.edu.
Press Releases/News Stories
At MarCom, we share stories about the University of Lynchburg, and we work with people on campus to do so. We also assist reporters looking for expert commentary from Lynchburg’s faculty or staff, and we handle all media photo/video requests.
Our team helps students, faculty, and staff get the word out about things going on at the University of Lynchburg. We help identify opportunities for media coverage, pitch stories to reporters, help arrange interviews with reporters, and track how the University is being talked about in the news — both in print and online. We can also help with crisis communication.
MarCom provides photography and videography for the University’s website, social media, digital ads, publications, recruitment, and fundraising. If needed, MarCom can also provide a list of freelance photographers who can be hired for special events or needs. The rates for these photographers vary; departments requesting their services are responsible for any expenses incurred.
Official portraits of faculty and staff are also taken by MarCom for publicity purposes. The University of Lynchburg owns all the copyright to photos taken by our photographers. Photos may not be published, sold, reused, or modified without written consent from us.
Print Publications
All printed materials that represent the University of Lynchburg must be produced or approved by the publications staff. We are happy to answer any questions about the approval process.
Printed materials include the University of Lynchburg Magazine, brochures, newsletters, letterhead/envelopes, invitations, certificates, flyers, posters, and other projects.
We offer a variety of services including concept development, writing, copy editing, graphic design, artwork creation, printing coordination, delivery, quality control, and invoice processing for commercial printing.
Submission of Images for Printed Materials
When submitting images for printed materials, high-resolution (300 dpi) digital images, negatives, or slides are preferred. If a photo print is the only option, it will be acceptable.
The University of Lynchburg website is an important marketing tool and key to communicating with the University’s internal and external constituents. This means that the information on the website must be current, accurate, and appropriate for its users. As the University’s online publication, the website must adhere to the University’s official publications policy and style.
MarCom manages the University of Lynchburg website.
Social Media
The official University of Lynchburg and Lynchburg student social media channels are meant to build community and share updates about what is happening in our community with the public, prospective students, alumni, current students, faculty, staff, and parents. We encourage our followers and other Lynchburg social media accounts to share and submit content, tag @university.of.lynchburg, comment, like, re-share, and interact with all our content.
Departments across campus are welcome to create accounts specific to their area and share their content. We can guide you on the most effective channels and approaches for your goals.
If you have a social media account that is affiliated with the University, you must register it using our social media registration form.