Human Performance Lab is used for laboratory, research, and class activities. It’s located in the Turner Gym.
The 1,500-square-foot Equipment available for student and staff use:
- ParvoMed Metabolic Cart
- TrackMaster Treadmill
- VeloTron Cycle Ergometer with Wingate Capabilities
- Monark Aerobic Cycle Ergometers
- Bod Pod by COMSED/Life Measurements, Inc.
- Lodi Cycle Ergometer
- Quinton Stress Test Treadmill
- Dartfish
- Vertec
- 2 Hewlett-Packard PageWriter 100 EKG machines
Physiological Performance and General Fitness Testing Program
The Exercise Physiology Department provides affordable physiological performance and fitness testing and analysis by trained exercise physiologists. Testing is performed in the Human Performance Lab under the guidance of trained exercise physiology staff.
Testing can be completed on any age group, although specific guidelines are in place for seniors and adolescents.
Tests include:
- VO2max Test
- Lactate Threshold Test
- Anaerobic Power (Wingate) Test
- Body Composition
- Submaximal Aerobic Fitness Testing
Lab Faculty
All exercise physiology faculty members work in the Human Performance Lab.