Professor of Latin
Carnegie Hall 233
Dr. Tiner joined the University of Lynchburg in 1989.
- PhD, Medieval Studies — Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
- MLS (Licentiate in Mediaeval Studies) — Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, University of Toronto
- MA, Medieval Studies — Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
- BA, English — Seton Hall University
Courses Taught
- DELL 103: Environmental Disasters & Sustainability in the Roman World
- ENGL 123: College Writing Workshop
- LATN 101: Elementary Latin I
- LATN 102: Elementary Latin II
- LATN 103: Elementary Latin I with Medical Terminology
- LATN 105: Elementary Latin II with Medical Terminology
Research Interests
- Classical Latin Rhetoric
- Early Drama and Performance
- History of Medicine
- Medical Terminology
- Latin & Today’s Professions
Areas of Expertise
- English Composition
- History of Rhetoric
- Latin Language