Getting ready to move to college is fun – and a bit stressful! Our list of what to pack will help you know what to bring and what to expect. Use this checklist to make sure you have everything you need for your first year at college. These are just suggestions; be sure to adjust this list as needed for your specific needs and residence hall setup. To save packing time and shipping charges, it might make sense to buy some of these items after you arrive. It might also make sense to pack for one season at a time and switch items when you go home during breaks.
We also encourage the use of our partners when purchasing items for the move to the University of Lynchburg.
What (and What Not) to Bring to Campus
- Bed linens – extra-long twin sheets, mattress topper, pillows, blankets Towels
- Alarm clock
- Laundry supplies
- Toiletries and medications
- Hangers
- Microwaves (consider a MicroFridge instead)
- Firearms (including BB guns) and other weapons
- Toasters or ovens
- Crock pots
- Candles
- Any open flame source (including incense)
- Loft kits
- Space heaters
- Alcohol
- Fireworks
- Pets (except fish)
- Halogen lamps
- Grilling machines (i.e. George Foreman)
- LED/fluorescent strip lights
- MicroFridge or mini-refrigerator
- Dishes and utensils
- Storage bins
- Mini trash can
- Trash bags
- Disinfecting wipes
- Desk lamp
- Computer
- Coffee maker (with auto shut-off)
- Vacuum and/or broom and dust pan
- Television
- Gaming systems
- Surge protector
- Fan
- Noise-canceling headphones
- Curtains
- Shower caddy
- Wall decorations
- Mini toolkit (including screwdriver, hammer, wrench)
- Mini sewing kit
- Full-length mirror
- Bicycle
- Umbrella
Bedding, Bath, and Storage
This year, we’ve teamed up with Dormify, the one-stop shop for college, to make it easy for you to find everything you need for your room. From bedding and dorm bundles to essential items and trending decor, we’ve selected all the school-approved items you’ll need to make your transition to college smooth. Start shopping now and prepare for move-in day today!
If you don’t use Dormify, keep in mind that our mattresses are extra long. Many manufacturers produce twin extra-long sheet sizes.
In partnership with the Melvin Corporation, we offer MicroFridges — combination refrigerators and microwaves — for rent. While small refrigerators are permitted on campus, we encourage the rental of a MicroFridge — this approved unit is the only way you are permitted to have a microwave in your room.
Roommates often split the cost to rent a unit for their room. Watch this video for more information on the MicroFridge unit.
Shipping Items to the University of Lynchburg
If you need to ship a trunk or box to the University of Lynchburg before you arrive, use the 4-digit campus box number assigned to you in mid-summer, as follows:
Your Name
University of Lynchburg
1501 Lakeside Dr.
Lynchburg, VA 24501-3113