The University of Lynchburg offers services to any student with disabilities who wishes to seek accommodations and provides reasonable documentation of disability. The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) establishes the requirements for services and accommodations at the post-secondary level.
There are significant differences between IDEA regulations for K-12 education and ADA regulations at the post-secondary level. Students who apply to the University of Lynchburg should not disclose a disability during the application and admission process. Disability is determined based on the criteria set forth by the ADA and includes cognitive, mental health, physical, and medical disabilities. Transition to college is difficult for any individual but may pose additional challenges for students with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations may differ from those provided in K-12 programs and are designed to provide students equal access to academic and non-academic activities of daily living. The University of Lynchburg also works with students who have temporary or acute disabilities expected to be short-term in duration.
Contact Accessibility and Disability Resources staff for more information.