In a virtual Facebook Live ceremony on May 20, the Center for Economic Education at the University of Lynchburg honored outstanding student achievements and teacher contributions to economic education in area K-12 classrooms.
Center for Economic Education
Center for Economic Education at Lynchburg College announces annual awards
The Center for Economic Education at Lynchburg College recently honored students and teachers in the Central Virginia region for their achievements in economic education programs in the 2017-2018 school year. […]
Market Day 2018 brings more than 240 budding entrepreneurs to Lynchburg College
Minecraft pillows, piggy banks, chalk with popsicle-stick handles, and dozens of other products were on sale Wednesday in Turner Gymnasium. The salespeople were elementary school students from all around the […]
Local children showcase entrepreneurial acumen at Market Day
Nearly 200 children buzzed around Turner Gymnasium Thursday morning to advertise, sell, and buy products such as bunnies made from socks packed with rice, eco-friendly playdough, and piggy banks made from […]
Center for Economic Education honors students for Stock Market Game success
The Center for Economic Education will hold an awards ceremony at 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 21 in Sydnor Performance Hall. The program will honor two local teams that ranked well against the competition in an investing game as well as other students and teachers who have been involved in economic education programs.
Elementary students practice entrepreneurship at Lynchburg College Thursday
More than 180 students from 11 schools in Central Virginia will meet at University of Lynchburg on Thursday, March 26, to exchange currency, set up businesses, and market products to […]
LC makes President’s Service Honor Roll 2014
About 700 LC students contributed 69,170 hours of community service in 2012-13 to earn Lynchburg College a place on the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for 2014.