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Documentary Screening: “Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin”


Five years in the making and winner of more than 25 international awards and honors, "Brother Outsider" illuminates the life and work of Bayard Rustin, a visionary activist and strategist who has been called "the unknown hero" of the civil rights movement. A mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a disciple of Gandhi, and chief organizer of the 1963 March on Washington, Rustin dared to live as an openly gay man during the fiercely homophobic 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.


Observatory Open House

Belk Astronomical Observatory, Claytor Nature Center

This event begins with a "planet walk" and continues with night sky viewing from different outdoor stations at Belk Observatory. Visitors will view the night sky through astronomical equipment, talk with observatory docents, and learn about celestial objects and telescopes.


Kuumba Dancers


This event is free and open to the public. Attend this virtual event on Google Meet.


Gospel Concert


This event is free and open to the public. Attend this virtual event on Zoom.


Daytime Sky Series

Belk Astronomical Observatory, Claytor Nature Center

Belk Observatory's "Daytime Sky Series" allows visitors to see the sun, moon, and the facility during the day. It's a more behind-the-scenes-type event, with no structure or flow. Visitors can view the sun through one of the 8-inch Celestron telescopes and the moon with the Gilbert telescope.


Observatory Open House

Belk Astronomical Observatory, Claytor Nature Center

This event begins with a "planet walk" and continues with night sky viewing from different outdoor stations at Belk Observatory. Visitors will view the night sky through astronomical equipment, talk with observatory docents, and learn about celestial objects and telescopes.


Persons needing accommodations for disabilities at a University of Lynchburg event should contact the Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources at least one week before the event.