A math degree can lead to a wide range of jobs in many different industries. Math majors often find work as actuaries, mathematicians, statisticians, or teachers. But there are many other options available depending on your interests and skills. Our graduates have gone on to work in supply chain management, analytics for the National Security Agency, and at the Naval Warfare Center.
So if you’re thinking about getting a math degree, know that there are plenty of great opportunities out there!
Mathematics Careers and Salaries
A math degree doesn’t just lead to an interesting and satisfying career. It can also be lucrative! If you’re considering mathematics as a major, here are a few things you can do with a degree in mathematics.
- Algorithmic engineer: $108,353
- Data scientist: $100,560
- High school math teacher: $52,720
- Investment banking analyst: $80,682
- Mathematician: $105,030
- Operations research analyst: $84,810
- Process engineer: $74,370
- Supply chain manager: $103,147
- Quality assurance manager: $115,548
Salary and job projections come from national averages in the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other sources, including Glassdoor, Indeed, and industry-specific posts and publications. The data is meant to provide you with an idea of career options and salary ranges, not as a guarantee of obtaining these positions after graduation. These represent national averages and may vary by source and time frame collected. Actual salaries vary by region. Some jobs may require additional training or graduate education.