DMSc PA Education Fellow
Adjunct Faculty
Fellow Alex Lower is originally from Waldorf, Maryland. After graduating from Liberty University, he began working as the project manager for the medical scribes in cardiology and primary care at Centra Medical Group in Lynchburg, Virginia. He is a 2021 graduate from the Master of PA Medicine program at the University of Lynchburg. Following graduation, Fellow Lower started his career with Centra Medical Group as a PA fellow in Emergency Medicine. In addition, he will be obtaining his Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) degree along with the opportunity of being a DMSc PA Education fellow at the University of Lynchburg.
- Doctor of Medical Science candidate (Class of 2022), University of Lynchburg
- Master of PA Medicine, University of Lynchburg
- Bachelor of Science in Public Health: Pre-Clinical, Liberty University
Teaching Areas
- Medical Practice
- Critical Thinking in Medicine
- Physical Diagnosis
Clinical Experience
- Emergency Medicine
- Virginia PA Licensure
- NCCPA Certified
Professional Memberships
- American Academy of PAs
- Virginia Academy of PAs
Areas of Interest
- Emergency Medicine
- PA Education