University of Lynchburg recognizes under the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) the importance of emotional support animals (ESA) which provide emotional support for persons with disabilities. It is important to note that animals that may be needed because of a disability may be identified by various names. For example, an individual may identify the animal as a companion animal, therapy animal, or emotional support animal. The FHAA assures that people with disabilities be allowed to have an ESA in the residence with them if the animal is necessary for individuals for the full benefit or enjoyment of University of participating in University housing program. This policy explains the specific requirements applicable to an individual’s use of an ESA in University housing. This policy applies solely to “Emotional Support Animals” which may be necessary in University Housing. It does not apply to Service Animals as defined by the ADAAA. The University has developed a separate policy regarding the presence of service animals in University housing. University of Lynchburg reserves the right to amend this policy at any time, as circumstances require.
It is the policy of University of Lynchburg that individuals are prohibited from having animals (pets) other than fish in University housing. University of Lynchburg will consider a request by an individual with a disability for reasonable accommodation from this prohibition to allow an ESA that is necessary for an individual who experiences disability related substantial limitation to University housing.
No ESA may be present in University housing at any time prior to the individual receiving approval as a reasonable accommodation pursuant to this policy.
Procedure for Requesting an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Housing Accommodation Requests are reviewed by the ESA Review Panel (Panel), which meets 5 times a year. Deadlines for each stage of the process are provided and fully explained in the Procedure for Requesting an Emotional Support Animal (ESA). All required documentation must be completed by the deadlines listed. Students who are not able to meet deadlines may complete the process for the next scheduled Panel meeting. The Panel will evaluate the required information provided by the owner to determine approval of the request. The final approval meeting with Office of Housing Residence Life (HRL) and the Owner seeking the ESA must be scheduled prior to the animal moving into University Housing. Approved animals may not be present in University Housing until the final meeting has been held.
Contact Accessibility and Disability Resources for more information.