The Student Judicial Board (SJB) resolves charges of alleged violation of the Honor and Student Conduct Codes as assigned by the Office of Community Expectations and Restorative Practices. SJB members are selected through application and interview processes. A Student Judicial Board hearing is conducted by a panel of five student members. A Student Judicial Board chairperson (or designee) facilitates the hearing. At the chairperson’s discretion, a judicial board advisor or other University representative may attend, observe, facilitate, and/or assist SJB during a hearing, including during private deliberations. During fall and spring semesters, SJB chairperson(s) also resolve student appeal requests related to traffic and parking violations.
SJB Membership Qualifications
Students serving on the Student Judicial Board provide vital leadership to the University of Lynchburg community by upholding standards of academic and behavioral excellence and by enforcing University policies in an educational and equitable manner.
Service on the Board is a challenging and satisfying way to enhance your academic experiences. Through participation in training activities, case resolution, and programs for the campus community, Board members develop valuable skills that are directly transferable to other leadership positions and to professional work settings. Skills enhanced through Board service include communication, analysis, decision making, teamwork, effective listening, policy interpretation, and problem solving.
SJB Selection Process
Applicants must complete a written application, including responses to provided questions, and an individual interview with current members of the Student Judicial Board.
Before serving on the Student Judicial Board, newly selected members must complete approximately 20 hours of training, which is provided annually by the Office of Campus Engagement and the Office of Community Expectations and Restorative Practices.
SJB Membership Information
- QPA of 2.5 or higher (cumulative and for each semester of membership)
- Good academic and disciplinary standing (i.e., not on any type of probation)
- Commitment to the Honor and Student Conduct Codes and related disciplinary procedures
- Completion of all training requirements
- Active participation in weekly SJB meetings (held Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m.), in hearings, and in programs and activities sponsored/co-sponsored by SJB
Online application
Students who wish to apply to the Student Judicial Board are encouraged to contact:
The Office of Community Expectations and Restorative Practices
125 Hundley Hall
Student Judicial Board Office
113 Drysdale Student Center