Below is a list of outcomes that may be imposed individually or in combination upon students for violation of the Honor and Student Conduct Codes. Recognizing the authority of boards and hearing specialists to impose outcomes that are appropriate for the circumstances of an individual case, this list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Outcomes become increasingly severe for repeated or accumulating infractions.
Should a student withdraw, suspend enrollment, or otherwise depart from the University without completing assigned outcomes, a hold may be placed on the absent student’s transcript/diploma pending satisfactory fulfillment of all outcome requirements.
Seniors and graduate students nearing degree completion found responsible for violating University policy, including violations committed during the last weeks of classes, exams, or the period between course completion and the awarding of a diploma, may be prohibited from participating in Commencement activities/ceremonies and/or from obtaining a diploma/ transcript pending completion of all outcomes.
- Warning: Notice that continuation or repetition of conduct found wrongful may be cause for more serious disciplinary action.
- Community Service Hours: Completion of a specified number of hours of community service work within a defined period.
- Task Completion: Fulfillment of a project assigned for educational benefit.
- Reflective Exercise: An activity that allows a student to examine their actions, how their actions reflect their values, and the impact their actions have on the community.
- Fine: Payment of a specified sum of money.
- Restitution: Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. Restitution may take the form of appropriate service or other compensation.
- Restriction: Limitation of a student’s activity and/or use of University facilities. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Exclusion from participation in privileges or co-curricular University activities (e.g., event attendance, Commencement activities/ceremonies, organization membership, varsity athletics, receipt of an award, obtaining a diploma/ transcript);
- A prohibition from having any contact with a specified person;
- Revocation of access to residential facilities or other campus locations; and/or
- Restriction of use of University services and resources.
- Disciplinary Probation: Infraction(s) committed during the specified period of disciplinary probation are likely to result in suspension. Disciplinary probation may be general, encompassing adherence to all University policies, or it may be limited to particular types of conduct (e.g., alcohol and/or drug use). Exclusion from participation in privileges or co-curricular University activities may also be included in disciplinary probation.
- Suspension: Exclusion from the University community, including but not limited to classes and other privileges or activities as outlined in the notice, for a specified period. Readmission is not automatic after the expiration of the suspension period, and conditions of readmission may be established. Suspension from the University may be assigned in response to any A-level violation of either the Honor Code or the Student Conduct Code. Suspension supersedes student-initiated withdrawal from the University and leave of absence.
- Expulsion: Termination of student status permanently or indefinitely. Expulsion supersedes student-initiated withdrawal from the University and leave of absence.
- Group Outcomes: Outcomes may be issued to groups of individual students, including but not limited to residential living groups and student organizations, that are involved in or permit violations to occur in their residence area or elsewhere. Examples of outcomes that may be imposed upon groups include restriction or suspension of visitation or other social privileges, restoration, and restitution. Additionally, campus privileges may be revoked, charters rescinded, and/or disciplinary outcomes imposed on individual group members. If an alleged violation is related to a party or other gathering, students involved and residents of the gathering location may be placed on party/gathering/guest probation by the Office of Residential Experience.
Outcome Guidelines
Outcome guidelines have been established to provide predictable and escalating responses to repeated or accumulating infractions of the Honor and Student Conduct Codes. Outcome guidelines are based on the following premises:
- Prior A-level violations are always considered when determining outcomes for new misconduct.
- Prior B-level violations are considered when determining outcomes for new misconduct. After a student has completed one full calendar year since their most recent B-level infraction without committing any additional violations, the cumulative, escalating consequences of previous B-level infractions are removed, and the student begins again with a “clean slate” for outcome purposes. This practice is meant to serve as a positive incentive.
The following guidelines for issuing outcomes are not to be taken as absolute or maximum standards but as recommended minimums. Consistent with their authority, adjudicators may impose any of the minimum penalties, regardless of order, and may impose penalties not listed and/or beyond the recommended minimums.
A-Level Outcomes
Suspension may be assigned in response to any A-level violation of either the Honor Code or the Student Conduct Code. However, mitigating and aggravating circumstances of the incident may affect the outcomes imposed. Expulsion may be issued in more serious circumstances, and lesser outcomes (typically not fewer than 30 hours of community service and a period of disciplinary probation, or the equivalent) may be issued for less serious circumstances. For additional outcome guidelines for drug- or paraphernalia-related violations, see “Drug Regulations.”
B-Level Outcomes
When a student is found responsible for an incident of misconduct involving only B-level infractions of the Student Conduct Code, the resulting outcomes do not impact the student’s eligibility to continue enrollment at the University of Lynchburg but may include a warning, community service hours, fines/restitution, tasks designed with an educational purpose, restrictions, probation, and/or group outcomes.
Outcomes for B-level infractions other than those related to alcohol are assigned according to the following minimum guidelines. If a single incident involves more than one policy infraction, the hearing specialist or the hearing board decides whether to assign an outcome to the incident as one violation or as multiple violations.
- 1st B-level violation:
- Written warning
- Reflective exercise
- 2nd B-level violation:
- Option to complete 10 hours of community service as assigned or to pay a $50 fine
- Reflective exercise
- 3rd B-level violation:
- Completion of 15 hours of community service
- Payment of a $75 fine
- Reflective exercise
- 4th B-level violation:
- Completion of 25 hours of community service
- Payment of a $100 fine
- Reflective exercise
- 5th B-level violation and beyond:
- Add 20 hours of community service for each additional B-level infraction beyond the fourth. For example, a fifth B-level violation receives a minimum of 45 service hours, a sixth B-level violation receives a minimum of 65 service hours, etc.
- Disciplinary probation
- Reflective exercise
Additional Outcomes for Alcohol-Related Infractions
Additional educational outcomes are imposed for B-level alcohol-related infractions, accompanying other outcomes issued in accordance with B-level outcome guidelines. Minimum outcome guidelines for alcohol-related violations are:
1st alcohol-related violation:
- Written warning (if not assigned previously)
- Completion of appropriate B-level community service hours
- Payment of appropriate B-level fine + $25
- Completion of an alcohol education seminar or activity and payment of related cost
- Reflective exercise (if not assigned previously)
2nd alcohol-related violation*:
- Completion of appropriate B-level community service hours
- Payment of appropriate B-level fine of +$50
- Completion of an alcohol education seminar or activity and payment of related cost
- Alcohol probation for one year
- Reflective exercise (if not assigned previously)
3rd alcohol-related violation*:
- A student’s third or subsequent alleged alcohol-related violation is typically referred to the appropriate board for adjudication.
- If found responsible for a violation of probationary status, a suspension may be assigned. However, mitigating and aggravating circumstances may affect the outcomes imposed, resulting in expulsion for more serious circumstances and lesser outcomes for less serious circumstances.
- In all cases, if the suspension is not imposed, minimum outcome guidelines are:
- Disciplinary probation and/or alcohol probation
- Completion of a substance abuse assessment conducted by a licensed, professional counselor and adherence to all recommendations of the counselor
- Completion of 30 hours of community service or the equivalent
- Reflective exercise (if not assigned previously)
*The parent (or legal guardian) of a dependent undergraduate student under age 21 is usually contacted after the student is found responsible for a second or subsequent alcohol-related violation
Outcome Guidelines for Drug-Related Infractions
Outcomes resulting from a violation of University drug regulations are based on multiple considerations, including but not limited to, the type and amount of drug involved, the nature of the drug-related conduct, and other policy violations committed by the student, if any.
Outcomes re: Cannabis and Drug Paraphernalia
Minimum outcome guidelines for a violation of drug regulations pertaining to cannabis/THC and/or drug paraphernalia are:
- Disciplinary probation and/or drug probation;
- Completion of one or more drug-education seminars or activities and payment of related costs;
- Reflection activity;
- Completion of 30 or more hours of community service or the equivalent; and/or
- Suspension or expulsion in more serious cases and for a second or subsequent violation of drug regulations.
Outcomes re: Drugs Other than Cannabis
Suspension from the University of Lynchburg is the standard outcome for a first-time violation of drug regulations involving a controlled substance other than cannabis/THC. Expulsion may be issued in more serious cases and for a second or subsequent violation of drug regulations. Mitigating factors may cause lesser outcomes.
Additional Outcomes re: Suspension
A student seeking readmission to the University of Lynchburg after suspension for any violation of drug regulations may be required to complete outcomes prior to submitting a readmission application, such as but not limited to:
- A substance abuse assessment with a licensed professional counselor with required followthrough on recommendations made by the counselor;
- A drug education seminar or activity; and
- A paper summarizing what was learned through the assessment and seminar/activity and how that knowledge will influence the student’s behavior if the student is readmitted.
A student readmitted after suspension for any violation of drug regulations may be required to complete outcomes upon re-enrollment, such as but not limited to:
- Disciplinary probation and/or drug probation;
- Participation in random drug testing and payment of related costs;
- Participation in a follow-up meeting with a representative from CERP; and
- Completing up to 50 hours of community service or the equivalent.