The Beard Center on Aging at University of Lynchburg will offer its Annual Conference on Aging on Tuesday, June 4 with community sponsors including the Centra Foundation, Centra Mental Health Services, and Centra Rehabilitation and Senior Care Services.
The conference will be held in Elliot & Rosel Schewel Hall. Keynotes addresses will be in Sydnor Performance Hall. They are:
9 – 10 a.m.
The Changing Face of Health Care and Aging Services: Recent Changes and How They will Impact Older Adults and Those Supporting Them
Jim Rothrock
Commissioner, Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitation Services
David Adams
Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer, Centra Health
The past two years have brought substantial change in health care and aging services at national, state, and local levels. The Affordable Care Act, the creation of the National Administration on Community Living (ACL), and the restructuring of aging and rehabilitative services in Virginia will impact older adults and those who provide care and services for them. Speakers will discuss how they will improve care, affect older adults, and change how we work with aging services and health care.
3:45 – 4:45 p.m.
Do It Well. Make It Fun: The Key to Success in Life, Death, and Almost Anything in Between
Ron Culberson, MSW, CSP
Speaker, Humorist, Columnist, and Author
According to the bell curve, most people are average, but who wants to be average? Success is only two steps away. Based on the idea that excellence is the key to success in most aspects of life, Culberson will provide an easy-to-implement two-step process that will lead to greater success in your career and your life: (1) do it well, and (2) make it fun. By applying this formula, you will learn to relax in stressful situations, neutralize conflict, add zest to dull relationships, and liven up your life and work. Culberson, author of Is Your Glass Laugh Full?, My Kneecap Seems too Loose, and Do It Well. Make It Fun, is a contributor to the Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul, Second Dose Edition. He also writes a blog for The Huffington Post. Early in his career Ron worked in a large hospice organization.
Twenty-five workshops on a variety of topics related to positive aging advocacy, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, and professional development.
Register on line at, or mail the registration form from the conference brochure (PDF). Contact Denise Scruggs at or 434.544.8456 for more information.