Your student may be away at school, but they still rely on your support and guidance. Help them stay on course with some well-timed questions:
Are you going to class?
Skipping class is the number one reason why students fail.
Are you studying at least 25 hours per week?
College is a full-time job. Students should be in class, studying, and doing homework for about 40 hours per week.
Are you reviewing the material for each class at least weekly?
If students review all material each week, preparing for an exam is much easier.
Are you scheduling time to relax?
Everyone needs down time, but down time can eat into study time if there’s not a schedule. Students are more successful when they learn to manage their time.
Do you know when the last day to withdraw from a class is?
After this date, you can’t withdraw from a class. At Lynchburg, it’s at the end of the 10th week of the semester.
Are you starting assignments early?
The unexpected happens: students get sick, computers die. Starting assignments early makes for less stress.
Have you seen your advisor?
Students need to meet with their advisors at the beginning of each semester and should meet again after midterm grades are posted and before the end of the semester to review progress and plan for next year.
Have you visited your professor during their office hours?
Professors like to help students. They keep office hours so they’re available to give help and advice.
Are you going for extra help?
Have you formed a study group?
Studying complex material with a study group can be more efficient and result in a better understanding of the material.