Donna Hemans, the inaugural Anne Spencer House Fellow at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, will present a reading at the University of Lynchburg at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, in Hopwood Hall room 14.
A complimentary reception will follow the reading, and copies of Heman’s novel, River Woman, will be available for purchase.
Hemans is the award-winning author of River Woman and the forthcoming Tea by the Sea, which she has said she plans to read from during the event. Her short fiction has appeared in Caribbean Writer, Crab Orchard Review, Witness, and the anthology Stories from Blue Latitudes: Caribbean Women Writers at Home and Abroad, among others.
In January, VCCA announced that Hemans is the first recipient of the Anne Spencer House Fellowship, which was created last year to honor the Harlem Renaissance poet who lived on Pierce Street in Lynchburg. The reading is part of a partnership between the Anne Spencer House and the University of Lynchburg.
“We are happy to have the opportunity to host an award-winning author who has been chosen to hold the inaugural Anne Spencer Fellowship,” Dr. Chip Walton, dean of the Lynchburg College of Arts and Sciences, said.