A nationally-recognized expert on the art of learner-focused teaching will give a public talk at University of Lynchburg on Monday, January 25.
Dr. Terry Doyle will present “Examining Thirteen Findings about Human Learning That Significantly Impact Teaching,” the keynote address of the winter 2016 workshop of LC’s Teaching and Learning Center. The public is invited to a reception at 6:30 p.m. in the Flint Family Lobby in Schewel Hall, followed by the lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Sydnor Performance Hall.
The LC Teaching and Learning Center provides leadership, support, and guidance for LC faculty as they discover, explore, implement, and evaluate practices that lead to excellence in teaching and learning. In 2015, the Jessie Ball DuPont Foundation awarded a $95,650 grant to support the creation of the Teaching and Learning Center classroom, which is used to train faculty in technology-assisted, interactive teaching. The grant also supports programming such as Dr. Doyle’s lecture.
Dr. Doyle is an author, educational consultant, and professor emeritus of reading at Ferris State University where he has worked for 38 years.
Dr. Doyle has presented more than 70 workshops on teaching and learning topics at regional, national, and international conferences since 2000. During the past five years, he has worked with faculty in Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, South Korea, Canada, and with faculty from 140 different colleges and universities across the United States on developing a learner-centered approach to teaching.
He is the author of “Learner-Centered Teaching: Putting the Research on Learning into Practice” and “Helping Students Learn in a Learner-Centered Environment: A Guide to Teaching in Higher Education.” He co-authored “New Faculty Transition – An Ideal Program.”
His most recent book, “The New Science of Learning: How to Learn in Harmony With Your Brain,” has been heralded for breaking new ground in helping students understand how learning happens and suggests a new paradigm for how students should prepare themselves for learning. Co-authored with Dr. Todd Zakrajsek, the book was a finalist for the 2013 USA Best Book Award in the category of Education/Academic.