Chard deNiord ’75, associate professor of English, Providence College, will present original poetry and invite a discussion of poetry at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17 in the Alumni House Lounge.
DeNiord’s most recent books are The Double Truth (U. Pittsburgh, 2011), which was named one of the ten best books of poetry of 2011 by the Boston Globe; and Sad Friends, Drowned Lovers, Stapled Songs (Marick Press, 2011), a book of interviews with senior poets plus essays. He has also published three additional books of poetry.
In April 2012 deNiord was named the 10th recipient of the Joseph R. Accinno Faculty Teaching Award, Providence College’s highest teaching honor.
The talk is part of the Geraldine Lyon Owen Speaker Series, sponsored by the English Department to honor the liberal arts value of dedicated teaching. The speaker presents an informal talk that shares her or his scholarship, creative writing, or other expertise in literature, language, or a related topic.