August 20, 2015

Senior Symposium focuses on poverty, society, and leisure


The Fall 2015 Senior Symposium will explore poverty and society with the help of experts on topics such as agriculture, economics, emergency management funding, and professional sports.

The primary theme of the fall symposium is economy. The lineup of speakers includes several University of Lynchburg professors; a Monsanto science strategist; the CEO and vice president of the Lynchburg Titans; the executive director of RUSH Homes, a local affordable housing organization; and a GIS specialist from an emergency planning company.

Lectures are held from noon to 1 p.m. each Monday from August 31 to November 16 in the Memorial Ballroom, Hall Campus Center. See the full schedule of symposium lectures at

The Senior Symposium is an academic tradition at LC that brings significant texts, questions, and ideas to bear on various contemporary issues. Students meet weekly to listen to a public lecture and then participate in small group discussions.

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