The University of Lynchburg announced on Thursday that it will require all students, faculty, and staff to have a face mask or cloth face covering with them at all times while on campus.
Specifically, the University’s “Face Covering Policy for Reopening” states that:
- Face coverings must be worn by all students, faculty, and staff in all classrooms and public, shared indoor spaces on campus.
- In order to protect those most vulnerable to COVID-19, waivers for face coverings to attend class will not be granted.
- Face coverings must be worn covering the mouth and nose in times when at least six feet of physical distancing cannot be maintained.
- Face covering may be removed for exercise, eating, while working alone in an office, or while outdoors if physical distancing can be maintained.
- Those who are in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.
The detailed policy can be found on the University’s COVID-19 web page.
Comprehensive fall planning efforts at Lynchburg are led by the University’s Openings Task Force, which meets almost daily in consultation with faculty and staff across various departments.
In addition to detailed plans for public health and safety, academics, and residence life, reopening plans also include equipping every member of the campus community with at least one face mask.
To accomplish this goal, Lynchburg launched a community sewing project, “Sewcial Hornets,” that has already yielded nearly 6,500 masks created by volunteers all over the country. Once received, sorted, and sanitized, masks will be distributed as part of a safety kit to all students, faculty, and staff when campus reopens in August.