Several members of the University of Lynchburg community are sharing their expertise on special education with professionals around the world this year.
Pearson recently released the 11th edition of Strategies for Teaching Learners with Special Needs, a book that Dr. Edward Polloway first published in 1976. The book also features two alumni; Dr. Wendy Bailey-Joseph’08 MEd, ’14 EdD, director of the University of Lynchburg St. Lucia program, is one co-author of the book and Dr. Jacquelin Lubin ’07, ’08 MEd, ’16 EdD co-authored one chapter.
Dr. Polloway and Dr. Lubin also joined Dr. Jim Patton, an adjunct professor at Lynchburg, to write a chapter about intellectual and developmental disabilities for the second edition of The Handbook of Special Education, the definitive resource in the field of special education. Dr. Deanna Cash, director of Lynchburg’s MEd in Special Education, co-wrote the chapter on reading.
Dr. Patrice Thompson ’06, ’08 MEd, ’14 EdD recently published research from her doctoral dissertation on leadership in special education programs. It appeared in the Journal of Special Education Leadership in March.
Dr. Patton is co-editing International Special Education, a new book that provides a global perspective on the subject. Dr. Bailey-Joseph, Dr. Lubin, and Dr. Polloway co-wrote a chapter for the book about University of Lynchburg’s program in St. Lucia, which offers a master’s degree in special education to teachers there.
Dr. Polloway also is publishing a paper along with two students from St. Lucia. Maryleen Auguste ’16 and Delia Peters ’19 were co-authors of “An Analysis of State Guidelines for Intellectual Disability,” which will appear in the journal Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities.