The demand for liberal arts majors in the job market is increasing as employers from various industries recognize the value of this degree. Your broad-based education and versatile skill set, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, are highly sought after in today’s job market. The Lynchburg liberal arts degree also offers a comprehensive education in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences to prepare students for diverse professional roles.
Here are 10 potential jobs for liberal arts majors:
- Marketing coordinator: $50,000
- Social media manager: $60,000
- Human resources specialist: $55,000
- Public relations specialist: $55,000
- Content writer: $45,000
- Research analyst: $60,000
- Community outreach coordinator: $45,000
- Event planner: $50,000
- Nonprofit program manager: $65,000
- Education coordinator: $50,000
Salary and job projections come from national averages from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other sources, including Glassdoor, Indeed, and industry-specific posts and publications. The data is meant to provide an idea of career options and salary ranges, not as a guarantee of obtaining these positions after graduation. These represent national averages and may vary by source and time frame collected. Actual salaries vary by region. Some jobs may require additional training or graduate education.